Obama-Biden Admin Wanted Aborted Baby Parts From Boy Babies to Create “Humanized” Mice

National   |   Micaiah Bilger   |   May 21, 2021   |   3:38PM   |   Washington, DC

Government scientists under the Obama-Biden administration specifically requested body parts from aborted baby boys for experiments involving “humanized mice,” according to a document obtained by the watchdog organization Judicial Watch.

The document, an email exchange between a Food and Drug Administration scientist and an employee of Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), a human tissue procurement group that works with Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities, was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.

The email provides more details of the grisly aborted baby body parts harvesting practices that occurred under President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Unbeknownst to most Americans, their tax dollars were used to support the killing of unborn babies in abortions and purchase their body parts for scientific experiments through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

In the email dated June 9, 2016, Dr. Kristina Howard, a veterinary medical official at the FDA, requested “a male fetus” from Advanced Bioscience Resources for the week of June 20.

“It is strongly preferred to have a male fetus if at all possible,” Howard wrote.

She explained that they would use liver and thymus tissue from the aborted baby boy to create “humanized BLT mice” for experiments.

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Howard wrote that the FDA scientists had a “very important and timing-wise, challenging surgery” for which they needed the male aborted baby.

Likely, the FDA wanted the aborted baby boy to be second trimester. Other emails and documents between the FDA and ABR show repeated requests for aborted babies up to 24 weeks of pregnancy for the “humanized mice” experiments.

ABR employee Perrin Larton responded that they would “do our best” to send a male aborted baby, but they could not guarantee it.

Other documents that Judicial Watch received include emails, estimates and contracts between the FDA, National Institutes of Health and Advanced Bioscience Resources. One chart listed body parts harvested from aborted babies at 20 weeks from Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest (PPPSW). The list included aborted babies’ “eyes (2)” at a “specimen service fee” of $650, brain for $325, liver and thymus for $325 each, and lung for $325.

Multiple documents show FDA requests for organs from aborted babies between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. This means taxpayers paid for the body parts of babies who were capable of feeling intense pain and quite possibly were viable outside the womb.

Under the Obama administration, at least $77 million tax dollars were spent on research projects that used aborted baby body parts, according to The Hill.

“We’ve done business with the F.D.A. for many years …” an ABR employee wrote in an email to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration contract specialist, dated July 18, 2017.

Several years ago, David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress uncovered evidence of potentially illegal sales of human body parts by Planned Parenthood. The undercover investigation found abortionists allegedly putting women’s lives at risk by altering abortion procedures to better harvest aborted baby parts. The investigators also found evidence of possible patient privacy violations.

Heightened outrage due to the Center for Medical Progress investigation and other reports prompted President Donald Trump’s administration to stop funding these unethical purchases.

However, in April, President Joe Biden’s administration reversed Trump’s actions and allowed tax dollars to be used for research using aborted baby body parts again.